MV sprees
I completely and totally blame Juanny and Junk for this ♥ Sure, I've outgrown some of them, like
lys @ 23:33, 24/10/2010
18th plans
It's kinda absurd that I'm thinking of how to spend my 18th when that's a full month after As but whatever - I just finished annotating the longest scene in TOTS, I'm gonna cut myself a little slack to plan for fun.
Rach suggested have a clique affair at some pool terrace chalet. It wasn't in direct reference to my bday but I could've done it like I did my 16th. Too bad that I fell out with some people, ne? But if keeping the peace having to restrain my tongue on my own
birthday, hell, I don't really mind.
So I guess it'll be me, Ttiana and Rach, and prolly Viv and Chiu.
I think I wanna go Marina Barrage and picnic. It has enough space for me and Ttiana to chase each other around whenever we have those "fights." I don't know what I'm gonna do about food yet or how we're gonna manage the weight but I'm pretty sure we'll work it out.
I'm actually pretty tempted by the idea of late morning lunch followed by (window? so we don't have to carry additional stuff) shopping
then picnicking and maybe movie-ing? But it's such a full day program and my feet will
die. Not to mention Ttiana
hates shopping so that'll be sickening - dealing with a whiny best friend.
Nah, I'm the whiny one. Most likely, she'll be threatening to kill me or tell Gene that he was my excuse in J1. That will go down
so well. I wish I never told her! But I can't keep secrets from them, seriously.
But that's how I want to spend my 18th. With the people that matter the most (aside from my "slightly" insane family) doing what we do best - i.e. driving each other nuts.
Whether the plan will come to fruition or not, I can't wait!
lys @ 23:37, 23/10/2010
changing clouds ♥
Graduation today got me thinking - yes, I can think; Shocker, I know.
But it is true isn't it? Your Fate, Destiny, lies in your own hands. No one else's. I can mould it as I will. It doesn't sound very 'Fate' now, does it? 'Cuz in the end, it is taking what is thrown at you & making it work for you. Make circumstance work for you, rather than be beaten by it.
Everything has a brighter side, every cloud has a silver lining - to be painfully cliche. But clouds change, reform, cycle 'round - which is pretty science/geog. But aside from the fact it isn't really artsy, the analogy works. Circumstances change, we go through the same patterns in life - only slightly different (smarter, hopefully!) as we go along. I like to think that as the clouds change, so do we - and we learn a little more about ourselves and everything else.
So I guess you can say these two years have been one cycle - a cycle that I'm soon completing. Maybe I'm as childish as ever. Maybe not.
The world isn't black&white, no two people are the same. So you can't simply judge someone like that. Objectivity is subjective, after all. People may not be who you thought they were.
I've shed some idealism, grown some wings. I know now I fell too easily, trusted too easily. I've learnt that there is always humor to be found in every situation, that smiling hurts more than screams. I've found those who really matter and those who I don't really give a fuck for.
I know now what really matters, and that I'll put in everything to see it through.
So perhaps it is fitting today as the 'last day' as part of 2A01 2010 was heralded by If We Ever Meet Again & A17. Because it is true: what really matters now is my As. After which, it is truly a new beginning away from all my stupidity including both A1s, & my particular regret over that idiot. And "I'll never be the same" (IWEMA) as like the clouds, "someday I'll change too" (Changin') & my someday has come.
lys @ 15:39, 22/10/2010
Into the Future
Flashforward 2 months, shall we?
I'd be done with As.
The first thing I'd do is call Mandy&squee - just to rub it in. Then I'll drag Rach out shopping, lunch, play, dinner, laze. Kay fine, she may have school.. So meet after she's done? -.-
I'm pretty sure Jap lessons are on the list for me&Mandy. And I'm so getting my DAO/A + DLCs! &no shit, I'd have to indulge my favorite whims.
Chiu's church camp is somewhere on the agenda. Plus I'd need a job. There will be xmas stuffs to get & I think I'll spend my 18th going out&a little more insane than usual.
I have a few fantasies ongoing that'd require planning &a few more to chuck. Life is gonna be ohsofun! I'm hoping to weasel a Japan/Aussie trip from mummy ;D
But duh if I wanna do all that, I gotta do the As well. Sooo... Back to studying for me! <3
lys @ 10:58, 09/10/2010