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momentary insanity~

yay! no school on thursday!
*dances around like some nut*
so fun...
no house meeting
no phy prac (but i like prac...)
no chinese test

maybe i'll study...
like i can DON'T study
bio spa's scaring me!!!!
I can't fail bio.
can't can't can't!

okay, that sounds like vivienne
postexam mode
"i'm going to fail"
to steal her line.

okay, crapping. once again sleepy
gonna read and sleep...
lys @ 21:59, 29/01/2008

school. is. hell.

busy week...
yawny, sleepy

emath quiz tomorrow
eng compo test wednesday (plus cca)
chinese test, phy prac thursday (plus hsemeeting)
bio spa friday (plus cca)

life is hell, really
it's only week 5, term 1
but it feels like term 2 or 3
and day in day out, my darling sibs slack
bloody hell, one of them has psle doesn't she?
why can she slack and I can't?
oh yeah, my friggin' expectations of self
6-8 and in your face sunbae blah

i hate her for provoking me...
okay, maybe i won't if i DO get those marks...
that would make me fly to cloud nine...
naw, i'll just poof! and appear there in a sec

lack of sleep is making me crap :D
lys @ 23:01, 28/01/2008

aimless nevermore!

okay that was too dramatic wasn't it?
ner's been rubbing off me
stupid idiot bugs me day and night

gonna work like shyt this year lol
the pressure's on, duh
gonna put a bit of extra though...
6-8? And then I can just start skipping around
singing "in your face, sunbae!"

Fine, the 'in your face' is technically amanda's line
i don't care. we are not talking about adrian and audi
we're talking about o level and napun nyon sunbae

i hate my conscience
i hate it bugging me about mianhae *bangs head*
i'm never gonna go to juan an's house or near it
i'm not gonna ever make new specs...

okay, that's extreme
i really hate my conscience...
lys @ 21:38,

anymore my arse

Why didn't sister dear kick that sb's ass?
But whatever, I still got the last word
I mean, no more words were exchanged :D

Okay, a really STUPID thing to be so hyper about
I know it's stupid but i just can't help it!

o.O Goopy stuff.
*pokes the goop*

Okay, I'm crazy. I surrender!
lys @ 21:43, 17/01/2008

Sugar High!

or insult high rather.
from saturday until now
i'm nuts right?
So damn happy just 'cause...
well, i got the last word for once!
I totally <33333 me!

I <333 <3333 <333333333 insulting napun nyon
nolongersunbae to her face
*sighs contentedly*
thank you for fighting with me, sister dearest!

I pissed off so many people today
just 'cause I was insulthigh
Of course, they SHOULD know who to blame...
blame the idiot who got on the wrong side of me
i think the romanji was kaesaekki or something like that?
Stupid alasse or as sister dear pronounces it: a lezzie
She's nuts. I dunno how i've lived with her for the past 13 years...

This week is another week from hell tho.
5:30 tomorrow. 6 on wednesday
piano on thursday. 6:30 on friday.
What the heck is going on!
I hate being so busy!
and NYAA is giving me so much stress!
I can't remember a shit for journaling gz...
darn. I should have done piano
At least that way I know what I HAVE done!
*bangs head*

Nevermind. Going back on my insult high.
You put me down in '07
I put YOU down in '08
And I always win 'cause i won't see you anymore
I hope...
My luck can't be that bad
to extend into JC would be hell huh.
lys @ 22:06, 14/01/2008

Days from Hell

this is freakin' crazy!
homework day in day out.
i'm just turning into... not me?
darn. what happened to me being a slacker?
this year does seem a bit more organized
for now.

But bad luck will always be bad luck.
*bangs head*
Stupid nappunnyon sunbae.
oh shit. no longer sunbae. thank god!
beats me but i still hate her.
oh and her bloody lackey.
I shan't dignify them with any other thoughts

Since i'm crapping here.
simply cursing an idiot or two
talking plain rubbish...

i'll go kick my sister's ass for fun
about time for her to sleep :D
lys @ 23:21, 10/01/2008

♥ lysandra

plmgss. srjc
4a1 '0EIGHT. 0NINE-1a01. 'TEN-2a01.
CAP '07 ♥


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